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31. October, 2006On the doorstep to heaven![]() A picture can hardly justify a good massage, but beyond these doors there’s an atmosphere and service that makes me smile. Not one of those grins you would find on my face, but an inner smile in my mind and body – a sensation of complete wellbeing. TIMES magazine wrote this summer that even if you come here only 1 day, Dragonfly should be on your itinerary, and that’s a good review when you’re located in Shanghai! With me I had Randal Eastman, Vice President of Dragonfly. He kindly treated me this time, because I provided some feedback; an example of customer service at its best. 天堂世界上 一次舒适的按摩不可能在一张照片上体现,但是他们提供了我一个温馨的气氛和良好的服务,使我十分满意,像是我发自内心的微笑,彻底的体验到了按摩所带来的安乐感。今年夏天TIMES杂志写道,“假如你只能在上海旅行一天,Dragonfly仍然值得你去一次”。我认为如果你生活在上海,你一定还想再去Dragonfly。跟我一起去的是他们的副总裁Randal Eastman,这次是他请客的,因为我以前给他的公司提供了一些有用的反馈。 Written by Shanghaiet @ 09:37. 0 comment(s) 29. October, 2006The chef!![]() Chinese eat all their meals with chopsticks (/spoon), so they are not used to eating beefsteak. The 2 kilo beef tenderloin of the highest quality rated cost 90RMB pr kilo (70+ NOK)! The venue of the party was Paal's place as he has a great kitchen with oven!, and space to host a lot of people. With simple measures I made oven baked potatoes and steak, and the key to success was the (not so healthy) cream-blue cheese mushroom sauce. The tricky part in China can be finding the ingredients. The title refers to the book of super chef Jamie Oliver's book of the same name (I have an electronic copy), or.. More photos at www.eivindhagen.com 大师傅在厨房 中国人吃每一个顿饭都会用筷子和匙子,所以他们不常常吃肉排。我找到了一个2公斤最好质量的肉排,只有90块一公斤。这晚会举办在Paals房子里因为这儿有一个很好的厨房,有烤炉,有地方容纳很多客人。我做了一些比较简单的食物,肉排、土豆还一个杯鲜美的调味汁。在这次的派对上大家都吃了很多东西,非常开心。 生词 筷子 kuàizi n. chopsticks M:¹shuāng/¹fù 匙子 ²chízi n. spoon M:¹bǎ 举办[舉辦] jǔbàn* v. conduct; hold; run; sponsor 烤炉[-爐] kǎolú n. oven M:²zhī 容纳[-納] róngnà v. ①have the capacity for; accommodate ②tolerate; take in 食物 ¹shíwù n. food; edibles Written by Shanghaiet @ 12:34. 0 comment(s) 25. October, 2006Priveliges of being single![]() Although the single life is not only simple, there's certain freedom like going to Hooters - and no questions asked. Tonight it was the 2nd year anniversary of Hooters, and I was accompanied by a Korean classmate. Everything half price, but alas only looking - no touching. Just for the "sport" I asked the phone number of "Vicky" - next to me on the picture, but I got the answer that if she gave it she would be fired, never mind! Link: http://www.hooterschina.com/ 没有女友的好处 未婚的生活并不一定都是简单的,虽然很自由,可以去Hooters,没有人会给我限制。今晚这酒吧庆祝他们开张两周年,全场半价。在派对上有很多美女,但遗憾的是只有看,没能摸!我问了一个手机号码,但是这位女生说,如果她告诉我她的号码老板会炒她的鱿鱼,不是那样重要吧! 生词 好处[-處] hǎochu* n. ①good; benefit; advantage 未婚 wèihūn attr. unmarried; single 自由 zìyóu* n. freedom; liberty ◆s.v. free; unrestrained制 ¹xiànzhì* v. restrict; confine ◆n. restriction; limit; confinement 庆祝[慶-] qìngzhù* v. celebrate 周年 zhōunián n. anniversary 全场[-場] quánchǎng* n. ①the whole audience; all those present 派对[-對] pàiduì n. 〈loan〉 party; gathering 遗憾[遺-] yíhàn* s.v./n. regret; pity Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:25. 0 comment(s) 19. October, 2006The past “24 hours”![]() During the recent holidays I started watching the TV series ”24 hours – season 5” with Jack Bauer and his crew. This exhilarating action series is slightly addictive, and results in much more action on the TV screen than outside of it. In a brief contact with the real world, that I now intend to return to, I came across two of my former classmates from Fudan that had some pretty good job offers at their hands. I’m far from that and ready to make amends during the last two months before Christmas. At the same time I realize that my financial situation allows for one more semester, just as much as my Chinese needs it to reach a desired level of fluency. Nothing is impossible, and now it’s just up to me to accomplish as much as “Jack” in 24 hours (that shit was real, no??). 终于看完了|“反恐24小时” 我终于看完了电视连戏剧“反恐24小时– 第五季”,杰克和他的伙伴。看这电视连戏剧会有一点儿上瘾,在剧中有很多精彩的动作和场面,但糟糕的是在剧外却没有。现在我开始辛苦的学习,还找工作。我现在还没有决定明年该怎么办。一切都没有不可能,现在我就要像杰克在24小时的时间里,有效率的做着一切事情(在电视上的都是真的吧?) 生词 终于[終於] ¹zhōngyú* adv. at (long) last; in the end; finally 戏剧[戲劇] ¹xìjù* n. drama; play; theater 伙/火伴[伙/火-] ¹huǒbàn* n. partner; companion 上瘾[-癮] shàngyǐn* v.o. be addicted (to sth.) 动作[動-] dòngzuò n. movement; motion; action ◆v. act; start moving ◆suf. -ation 场面[場-] chǎngmiàn* n. ①scene; spectacle ②occasion ③appearance; facade ④scope 却[卻] ¹què* adv. ①but; yet ②indeed 效率 xiàolǜ* n. ①efficiency; productiveness②〈lg.〉 validity 事情 shìqing* n. affair; matter; thing; business Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:31. 0 comment(s) 17. October, 2006My classmates![]() My class consists of 11 students, and those 8 that was present at the party had their chance to present their best facial grin. Here are the highlights. 我的同学 我的班有十一个同学,来参加这次晚会的同学们都咧着嘴,非常开心!就看吧。 咧嘴 liězuǐ v.o. ①grin ②make a face Written by Shanghaiet @ 11:22. 0 comment(s) 15. October, 2006Schoolmates getting together![]() My class decided to have a party at a Japanese restaurant, and we were very happy that 3 out of our 5 teachers could join us. Here at a sober moment before the food and the alcohol has arrived. Japanese "all you can eat and drink" is always fun, and with our group I don't think the restaurant had much profit.. 同学们约见晚会 我们班机决定出去玩儿和在日本饭店吃饭。我们很高兴因为三位老师陪我们一起。这照片,还有没吃的食物和酒。每次在日本饭店随便吃,随便喝大家一直都很开心。我感到我们没有给那家饭店带来大的利润。。。 生词 食物 ¹shíwù n. food; edibles 开心[開-] kāixīn* v.o. ①feel happy; rejoice ②make fun of sb. ③be sincere to others ④enlighten | Bié ná wǒ ∼. Don't make fun of me. ◆s.v. happy 带来[帶來] dàilái r.v. bring; bring about 利润[-潤] lìrùn n. profit Written by Shanghaiet @ 07:39. 0 comment(s) The class leader (left), makes sure everyone had (more than) enough to drink!![]() At the end some people figured out drinking half of a big glass with plum liquor was a good idea. Class leader Jun gave a full glass to our most senior class mate, which had a very profound effect in a matter of minutes. Luckily I managed to pass on that round! 班长(左边)让同学们喝醉! 最后有的人想喝半大杯子美酒是好主意。班长埈给了我们的学长楠田一个满杯,就有深刻作用。幸运的是我跳过了这次的干杯。 生词 喝醉 hēzuì r.v. get drunk | 学长[學長] xuézhǎng n. ①〈court.〉 fellow student ②〈trad.〉 department/division head in a college/ university 满杯[滿-] mǎnbēi n. a full cup 深刻 shēnkè s.v. deep; profound (in one's heart) 作用 zuòyòng* n. ①action; function ②effect ③intention; Written by Shanghaiet @ 07:38. 0 comment(s) 12. October, 2006Paulainer - Octoberfest![]() The second largest brewery in Germany, Paulainer has a solid presence in Shanghai with 3 waterholes. They even brought the traditional October fest from Germany, although it did not equal to the real thing showed on a huge wide screen display. "Wurst", "Sauerkraut" and "Senf" were all in place. From my understanding the band was only on the opening day, but the festival goes on to Oct 21st at the Fen Yang branch. Paulainer 啤酒节 Paulainer 是一个德国来的啤酒,和他们在上海有三家酒吧。在啤酒节开幕的时候有德国来的乐队和非常地道的德国菜肴。 开幕[開-] kāimù v.o. ①〈thea.〉 raise the curtain ②open; inaugurate (meeting/etc.) 地道 dìdao s.v. ①from the place noted for a product; genuine ②pure; authentic; 菜肴[-餚] càiyáo* n. 〈wr.〉 ①cooked food ②food eaten with rice or alcoholic drinks Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:35. 0 comment(s) An authentic Brauhaus (Beerhouse)![]() Octoberfest band was flown in all the way from Germany, whose purpose may be that the crowds must get so drunk they don't pay attention to this a times quite tiresome music style. To further add to it's authenticity Paulainer also had brewed a special Octoberfest beer in it's micro brewery. 当我们喝了很多以后不会太在乎那些乐队的音乐的好坏。 在乎 zàihu v. ①care about; mind | Nǐ ∼ bù ∼ wǒ yòng nǐ de diànnǎo? Do you mind if I use your computer? ②lie in; rest with 好坏[-壞] hǎo-huài n. good and bad Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:31. 0 comment(s) Why I didn’t go to school the day after![]() My great plan was to return home at midnight, but the staff was very friendly and filled up our table with beers 5 to midnight when our "all we could drink deal" was about to expire. As a real Norwegian I couldn't let all this good beer go to waste.. and with renewed strength or rather lacking clarity of view, we ended up at Zapatas, the craziest dancing place in town. 啤酒节之后没有上课 原来我打算十二点钟回家,但是在十二点差五分的时候,服务员给了我们很多免费的啤酒,再辛苦了喝酒拉!然后出去跳舞。 Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:29. 0 comment(s) Next Page |